I just wrote some tips for a colleague who’s supporting a student who’s been asked to send a 60 second video to accompany a job application for a digital marketing firm.  I thought I’d put up a quick blog post in case others find it useful!

Firstly, you might like to check out Oxford’s resources on Creative CVs (which includes video and the YouTube ‘CVIV’ that got some attention last year):

Generally speaking the tips I give are as for other application materials, but I’d also add

  • Make a list of what you want to demonstrate first – otherwise content can easily come second to production
  • Ask for help if you need it, and be clear in some kind of ‘credits’ what that’s been: showcasing your transparency and ability to manage and motivate others!
  • Consider the audience’s viewing experience – will it be on a big screen (HD might be useful) or a iPhone? Will they want to ‘navigate’ to find certain pieces of information? How can you help them do this – either within the video, or with links and chapter marks around it. Are there accessibility features you need/want to provide.
  • Check copyright on all that you use – be confident that you can confirm that everything is your own or under a licence like creative commons.
  • How will you send and host this? YouTube vs. Vimeo is the main choice online (some comparatives below) but could also just send a video file (I use https://www.wetransfer.com/ for big files you can’t send by email)…. Continue reading “Submitting video for an application”